Defektes MN1

Ich hab gerade in einem anderen Thread gelesen, dass man für die R1021 & 1022 Überbrückung ein Timing braucht. Das werde ich wohl als nächstes probieren.

Hier ist die Info dazu, übersetzt mit Google Translate. Das gilt für MediaNav 1:
And now about how to press the button correctly. Otherwise, WinCE will not display the internal memory partitions of the Storage Card.

1. The flash drive must be with a light indicator.
2. Insert the flash drive with the NK.bin file into the turned off medianav.
3. Turn on the power and wait.
4. Now attention! When the indicator on the flash drive blinks, you need to immediately quickly press the soldered button, quickly count to yourself one, two, and release. It is important to have time to let go before the flash drive blinks again! If after that the indicator will burn constantly, or it will go out completely, you need to repeat the whole operation again.
And if the flash drive starts flashing quickly, it means the download has begun. This is the effect you need to achieve! If everything is done correctly, then in a few minutes the WinCE desktop will load with internal partitions.
5. Done! Now it remains only to restore everything that was on these partitions before your first intervention. - die Dacia-Community

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